Thursday, July 28, 2011

First post

Hello Readers!

We are a group of bloggers writing about various topics including (but not limited to): sports, politics, music, and pop culture. The blog will feature several authors, and regarding multiple topics. The next blog will be posted shortly by our sports talk specialist - a collegiate football player, Alex.

As of now our authors include:
Jeff (Politics)
Alex (Sports)
Andrew (Various)
Carlin (Music)

Our authors come from various backgrounds and age sets to give you insight on all topics.

Various planned guests that will contribute will be named later. Our first will most likely be a political consultant with more than 30 years of experience, working with local government all the way to presidential candidates. He is also an author of an award winning book - The Butchers Thumb.

Your comments and Emails are appreciated. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, find us on Google+, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

all our blogs

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